Monday, September 30, 2013

September 30

Good evening! Tomorrow is Spirit Day! Please wear a hat or school colors.

September's Read-at-Home Log and Book Report are due tomorrow. Please check your child's folder for October's tomorrow.

We will have our first Social Studies test next Wednesday, October 9. A study guide will be sent home tomorrow.

Have a great week!

Monday, September 23, 2013

September 23

Happy Monday! This week in Language Arts we will be focusing on long vowels and identifying the author's purpose in a story. In Math we will be reviewing skip counting, comparing numbers, and temperature. Our first math test will be on Friday, September 27. A review will be completed in class and will go home on Thursday. In Writing, we continue to focus on writing narratives, and in Social Studies we continue to study different types of communities.

The homework for this week is as follows:
Monday-Write each spelling word three times each
Tuesday- ABC order
Wednesday- Read Phonics Reader
Thursday- Use each spelling word in a sentence, study for math test
Friday-Enjoy your weekend!

Have a great week!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Book Fair

Please remember, we go to the Book Fair tomorrow! Have a great night!

Friday, September 13, 2013

September 13

Good afternoon! We had a great week in second grade! In your child's backpack, you will find their Friday Folder. Please keep the tests at home and sign the paper found inside on the right. Please return the paper and the folder on Monday. We have the same spelling homework every week. On Mondays we have three times each, Tuesdays-ABC order, Wednesday-Phonics Reader, and Thursday-use each spelling word in a sentence. Please make sure your child numbers each word or sentence in their book. Math homework will start in Unit 2.

Next week we will be reviewing short vowels and consonant blends (gr, sl, br, etc.). In Math we will continue to review concepts taught in first grade, such as addition strategies, telling time, and counting money.

On Thursday, September 19, we will go to the Book Fair!

Have a great weekend!

Monday, September 9, 2013

September 9

Good evening! Students have their first homework assignment tonight! Students have spelling homework Monday-Thursday. A list of the homework is stapled into their spelling notebooks they bring home. These should be returned each day so that I can check their homework. Tonight students should write each word three times each. Please have your child skip a line between each word. If your child runs out of room, please go on to the next page. We will start Math homework in Unit 2. Have a great night!