Friday, December 18, 2015

Week of December 21

Since it's a short week this week, we will not have spelling words.

We will review for our Math test on Monday, and our test will be on Tuesday.

Our Holiday Party will be on Wednesday at 11:30. Feel free to join us!

Have a great weekend!

Friday, December 11, 2015

Week of December 14

We will work on the following concepts next week:
Language Arts-We will writing persuasive letters, reading and spelling plural nouns ending with -s and -es, using conjunctions to form compound sentences, and drawing conclusions based on what we've read in a text.

Math-We will continue with our subtraction unit. Please continue to practice borrowing at home.

Social Studies-We will learn how the holidays are celebrated around the world.

The homework schedule is as follows:

Monday-3 times each, Math sheet 5.8
Tuesday-ABC order, Math sheet 5.9
Wednesday-Math sheet 5.10 and sentences. Your child's sentences should have at least 7 words.
Thursday-Study for spelling test and Math sheet 5.11

Have a great weekend!

Friday, December 4, 2015

Week of December 7

We will not have Spelling homework next week. We will be taking our Unit 2 Benchmark Tests in Language Arts on Monday and Tuesday. We will have our Unit 2 Word Wall spelling test on Wednesday, December 9. Students must know how to spell and read the words.

In Math we will continue to learn different strategies for subtraction. We will begin borrowing and double borrowing when subtracting in this chapter. The students will learn the following poem to help them remember what to do:

More on top, no need to stop.
More on the floor,
Go next door and take ten more.
Numbers are the same,
Zero's the game.

Feel free to ask your child about the poem they learned in school if they forget when  to borrow.

In Science, we will continue to learn about the stars.

Please send in your child's library book on Thursday. We will be going this week.

Our homework schedule is as follows:
Monday-Math sheet 5.3
Tuesday-Math 5.4

Have a great week!

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Week of November 30

We will work on the following skills next week:
Language Arts-We will work on spelling and using contractions, base words with endings -er and -est, verb tense, and being clear when writing directions.

Math-We will review for our Chapter 4 Test on Monday and Tuesday. The test will be on Wednesday, December 2. We will start Chapter 5 (subtraction) on Thursday.

Science-We will learn about the stars.

Our homework schedule is as follows:
Monday-3 times each, study for math test
Tuesday-ABC order, study for math test
Wednesday-Sentences. Be sure that each sentence has at least 6 words and the spelling word is underlined.
Thursday-Study for spelling test, Math sheet 5.1

******Important dates for next week******

Book reports are due on Tuesday, December 1.
We go to Holiday Shoppe on Tuesday, December 1 from 12:00-12:30.
The Holiday Concert is next Wednesday, December 2. Students should arrive and go to their homeroom beginning at 5:30. The show starts at 6.

Have a great Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 20, 2015

Week of November 23

Our  class trip is on Monday. If you are going on the trip with your child, please be at the school by 9:00.

Remember that students need a lunch in a bag that can be thrown away. Please do not send thermoses or any water reusable water bottles. Everything needs to be thrown away.

Any gift shop money MUST be in an envelope labeled with your child's name.

We will not have spelling homework due to the short week.

We will have a math homework sheet on Tuesday.

Have a great week!

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Week of November 9

We will work on the following skills next week:

Language Arts-main idea, compound words, spelling words with th, sh, wh, ph, ch, and tch

Math-2 digit addition

Science-We will begin our unit on space. We will start with learning about the moon.

If you'd like to follow the bus to the planetarium on November 23, please let me know. The cost is $14, and you can pay the planetarium when we get there.

Have a great week!

Friday, October 30, 2015

Week of November 2

Next week we will be reviewing concepts taught in first marking period. We will have our Social Studies test and Math test on Wednesday. Please study for each test on Monday and Tuesday.

Book reports are due on Monday, November 2!
Picture retakes are November 4.

Have a great weekend!

Monday, October 26, 2015

Week of October 26

We will work on the following skills this week:

Language Arts- spelling words with double consonants (ff, ss) and ck, drawing conclusions while reading a story, using homophones correctly, and writing an informational piece

Math-repeated addition using arrays, subtracting, and adding

Social Studies- We will continue to learn about natural resources and types of land.

****Our Halloween party is Friday, October 30 starting at 2:00. All parents are welcome to attend. We will not be having food. We will be having a game or a craft planned by our homeroom parents. Thank you, Mrs. Erhard and Mrs. Roberts!

Homework schedule for this week (Math is out of order this week!):

Monday-Math sheet 3.10, 3 times each
Tuesday-Math sheet 3.7, ABC order
Wednesday-Math sheet 3.8, sentences
Thursday-Math sheet 3.9, study for spelling test.

****Picture retake day is November 4!

Have a great week!

Monday, October 19, 2015

Week of October 19

We will be working on the following skills this week:

Language Arts-spelling words with consonant blends at the end, identifying text features in informational texts, using plural nouns, and writing a nonfiction story.

Math-We will continue to learn strategies for addition.

Social Studies-We will begin Unit 2 in Social Studies. We will be learning about different landforms, natural resources, and how people change Earth.

This week's homework schedule is as follows:

Monday-3 times each, Math sheet 3.2
Tuesday-ABC order, Math sheet 3.3
Wednesday-Sentences, Math sheet 3.4
Thursday-Study for spelling test, Math sheet 3.5

Continue to work on your book report.

Have a great weekend!

Friday, October 9, 2015

Week of October 13

We will be working on the following next week:

Language Arts-We will take our Unit 1 Benchmark Tests on Tuesday and Thursday. We will take our Word Wall spelling test on Wednesday. Students must know how to read and spell the word wall words from Unit 1. *There will not be any spelling homework this week! We usually do not teach a new weekly lesson during testing weeks. We will review skills that have been taught in this unit.

Math-We will have our Math test on Thursday. Students should study their reviews that will be completed in class for homework. 

Science-We will finish up our lessons on precipitation and begin earthquakes and volcanoes.

*There is no school on Monday, October 12!

Homework Schedule
Monday-Study for Math and Word Wall tests.
Tuesday-Study for Math and Word Wall tests.
Wednesday-Study for Math test.

Have a great week!

Monday, October 5, 2015

Week of October 5

We will be going to the Book Fair on Tuesday, October 6! Our time is 9:25-10. Feel free to come!

Wear teal on Tuesday, October 6 to support Ovarian Cancer Awareness.

We will work on the following skills this week:
Language Arts-explaining the plot of a story, singular and plural nouns, writing a true story, spelling words with consonant blends.

Math-We will continue to work on place value.

Science-We will learn about different types of precipitation.

Homework Schedule:

Monday-Three times each, math sheet 2.7
Tuesday-ABC order, math sheet 2.8
Wednesday-Sentences, math sheet 2.9
Thursday-Study for spelling test, math sheet 2.10

Continue to read each night and work on your book report!

Have a great week!

Friday, September 25, 2015

Week of September 28

We will work on the following skills next week:

Language Arts-spelling long o, u, and e words, using context clues to figure out new words, cause and effect, and nouns

Math-modeling three digit numbers and place value to 1,000

Science-We will begin our first Science unit on wind.

The following is next week's homework schedule:

Monday-3 times each, math sheet 2.3
Tuesday-ABC order, math sheet 2.4
Wednesday-Sentences, math sheet 2.5. Please check your child's sentences. They should make sense, the spelling word should be underlined, and each sentence should have at least 5 words.
Thursday-Study for spelling test, math sheet 2.6

Book reports are due Thursday, October 2!

Have a great week!

Friday, September 18, 2015

Week of September 21

We will work on the following skills next week:

Language Arts-Using multiple meaning words, writing narratives, identifying author's purpose, reading and writing long a and i words, and identifying types of sentences.

Math-We will review for Chapter 1 test on Monday and Tuesday. Our test will be on Wednesday.

Social Studies-We will review for our test on Thursday. Our test will be on Friday.

Scholastic orders are due today, September 18.

****If you have not filled out the annual forms that need to be returned, please do so. They can be found in the backpack on the OCS website.

Have a great week!

Friday, September 11, 2015

Week of September 14

We will work on the following skills next week:

Language Arts-spelling words with the short vowels o, u, and e, compare/contrast, narrative writing, writing simple sentences

Math-different ways to write numbers and problem solving

Social Studies-using a compass rose, getting along, and how communities change

Next week's homework is as follows:

Monday-3 times each, Math sheet 1.5
Tuesday-ABC order, Math sheet 1.6
Wednesday-sentences, Math sheet 1.7
Thursday-study for spelling test, Math sheet 1.8

Have a great week!

Friday, September 4, 2015

Week of September 8

Good afternoon!

We will begin all second grade units next week! Be sure to check my blog for homework schedules.
Please check your child's folder each night as there may be important information in them.
If you have not done so, please send in emergency contact, photo/video forms, etc.

The following is our homework schedule next week:

Monday-No School
Tuesday-Write each spelling word three times each, complete Math sheet 1.1
Wednesday-Use each spelling word in a sentence. Underline each spelling word. Each sentence should have at least 5 words and need to make sense. Also complete Math sheet 1.2
Thursday-Study for your spelling test and complete Math sheet 1.3

I do not give homework on Fridays.

I'm looking to seeing everyone at Back to School Night on Tuesday, September 8!

Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Beginning of the Year Information

I hope everyone has enjoyed their summer! It sure went quick! 

There are a few things to know about this year. We don't eat lunch until 1:05 this year. It is important that students eat, breakfast and bring a substantial snack to get through to this time. We will have snack every day around 10:15..

Tentatively, we are scheduled to have gym on Monday and Tuesday. Please have your child wear sneakers on gym days.

Finally, your child will have a book report form in their folder on the first day of school. Each month, a book report will be due. The book report and instructions will be sent home at the beginning of each month. The book report is due the first school day of each month, and is a graded assignment.

If you ever have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to contact me at

Friday, June 12, 2015

Week of June 15

Good afternoon! Next week we will be reviewing various concepts we have worked on throughout the year.

We will take our Unit 6 Language Arts test Monday and Tuesday.

We will take our End-of-the-Year Math test on Monday.

Field Day and Luau Lunch are Wednesday.

Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday are half days.

Friday is our last day of school.

Have a great week, and enjoy the summer!

Friday, June 5, 2015

Week of June 8

Good morning! We will be working on the following skills and concepts next week:

Language Arts: comparing/contrasting, root words, reading longer words with o and e, and informational writing

Math: capacity, plotting data, and fractions

Science: We will continue to learn about the sandy beach in MARE.

Homework is as follows:

Monday-3 times each, math worksheet
Tuesday-ABC order, math worksheet
Wednesday-sentences, no math homework
Thursday-study for spelling test, math worksheet

*Our Unit 6 Word Wall Test is Tuesday, June 9!
*We will have a Math test on Lessons 13-20 this Friday, June 12!

*The concert is next Wednesday. Students should arrive by 5:30. Students will still be required to have their spelling sentences done for Thursday. Students may want to write a few each night so that they do not have to do rush and do it all Wednesday before or after the concert.

Have a great week!

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Math for the remainder of the year

We have finished the second grade curriculum in the Go Math book. We are now working on the Getting Ready for Grade 3 section of the program. Please continue to save homework sheets and the classwork as we will continue to have review tests periodically.

Friday, May 29, 2015

Week of June 1

Good morning! We will be working on the following skills and concepts next week:

Language Arts: possessive pronouns (mine, his, hers, etc.), character traits, comparing two versions of the same story, and writing an informational text.

Math: solving problems with equal shares and telling time

Science: Students will be researching a specific shell for their MARE project.

Homework is as follows:
Monday: 3 times each, math worksheet
Tuesday: ABC order, math worksheet
Wednesday: Sentences, math worksheet
Thursday: Study for test, math worksheet

Book reports and reading logs are due on Monday, June 1!

Friday, May 15, 2015

May 15

Good morning! We will work on the following skills and concepts next week:

Language Arts: We will work on identifying and using adverbs, words with oo as in "book", differentiating between fact and opinion, writing informational texts.

Math: We will work on estimating sums and differences and ordering numbers.

Social Studies: We will review for our test which is on May 21. Continue to study the study guide that was sent home.

***Important reminders for next week***
If your child has not done so already, he/she needs to bring an adult sized shoe box for Monday, May 18. We will be completing our MARE project in class. If you have an extra at home you would like to donate, that would be greatly appreciated.

Homework for the week of May 18

Monday-Three times each, math worksheet
Tuesday-ABC order, math worksheet
Wednesday-Sentences, math worksheet. Your child's sentences should have at least 10 words!
Thursday-Study for spelling test, math worksheet.

Have a great week!

Monday, May 11, 2015

MARE Project

Please send in a shoe box (preferably a woman's size, but a man's will do) for our shell project. If you have an extra box at home and would like to donate it, it would be greatly appreciated for those students who may not have one at home to bring in.

Thank you!

May 11

Good morning!

In Language Arts we will have our Unit 5 Benchmark tests today and tomorrow. Our Word Wall Test will be on Wednesday. We will also learn how to spell words with oo, ue, and ew, how to form contractions, and we will continue to work on our informational books.

Our Math test will be on Wednesday, May 13.

We will continue to learn about our government in Social Studies. Our test will be May 21. Keep looking over the study guide that was sent home last week!

This week's homework schedule is as follows:
Monday-3 times each, study for Math test
Tuesday-ABC order, study for Math test
Wednesday-Sentences, math worksheet
Thursday-Study for spelling, math worksheet

Have a great week!

Friday, May 1, 2015

May 1

Good afternoon! We will be working on the following skills next week:

Language Arts: spelling words with aw, al, and o, using context clues, using irregular verbs, and research writing

Math: Identifying shapes and we will begin fractions.

Social Studies: We will begin learning about our government. Our test will be May 21. The study guide is going home today in your child's folder.

Have a great week!

Friday, April 17, 2015

April 17

Good afternoon! We will work on the following skills and concepts next week:

Language Arts: spelling and using words with suffixes -ly, -y, and -ful, drawing conclusions, compound words, and using irregular verbs (run turns to ran, eat turns to ate, etc.)

Math: We will continue to learn how to graph data. Our test will be Friday, April 24.

Science: We will learn about life cycles of different living things.

Homework schedule:

Monday: 3 times each, Math sheet 11.6
Tuesday: ABC order, study for math test
Wednesday: Sentences (9 words in each sentence), study for math test
Thursday: Study for spelling and math tests.

If your child is going to work with you on Thursday, April 23, please fill out the form that was sent home and return it on Monday.

Have a great week!

Friday, April 10, 2015

Week of April 13

We will be working on the following concepts next week:

Language Arts-We will work on using adjectives, homophones, character traits, and researching a topic to create an ABC book.

Math-We will begin our unit in graphs and data.

Science-We will learn about plants.

Homework schedule for the week:

Monday-3 times each, Math page 11.1
Tuesday-ABC order, Math page 11.2
Wednesday- Sentences, Math page 11.3
Thursday-Study for Spelling, Math page 11.4
Make sure you are filling in your reading log and working on your book report.

Spirit Day is Tuesday, April 14. Wear any holiday shirt or school colors.

Have a great week!

Friday, March 27, 2015

March 27

Good afternoon! We will be working on the following skills and concepts next week:

Language Arts: spelling words with -er, using adjectives, using dictionaries, and cause/effect
*Our spelling and story test will be on Thursday!

Math: We will continue to measure in centimeters. We will review for our test on Wednesday and Thursday. We will take our test on April 10.

Science: We will learn the difference between living and nonliving things.

Our homework schedule is as follows:

Monday: Three times each
Tuesday: ABC order, Math sheet 9.7
Wednesday: Sentences and study for spelling test.

Book reports and reading logs are due on Wednesday, April 1!

Have a great weekend!

Monday, March 23, 2015

Week of March 23

Good morning! We will work on the following skills and concepts this week:

Math-We will begin Chapter 9, and we will learn how to measure in centimeters.

Social Studies: We will practice making predictions and learn about technology. We will review for our test on Wednesday, and the test will be given on Thursday. Please continue to study the study guide that went home.

Language Arts: We will not have a spelling test this week since we are taking our Unit 4 Benchmark Tests and Word Wall Tests.

**Don't forget about Optical Academy!
Optical Academy, the onsite discounted vision team is rescheduled for Wednesday, April 1st at Oxford Central School.

Please go the link below to reschedule or schedule a new appointment.

The following is our homework schedule this week:

Monday-Math sheet 9.1
Tuesday-Math sheet 9.2
Wednesday-Math sheet 9.3, study for Social Studies test
Thursday-Math sheet 9.4

Remember to read each night, fill in your log, and continue working on your book report. Reports and logs are due next Wednesday, April 1.

Have a great week!

Monday, March 16, 2015

March 16

I hope everyone had a great weekend! We will work on the following concepts this week:

Language Arts: spelling words with or and ore, comparing/contrasting characters in a story, using commas in a series of a nouns, writing persuasive letters.

Math: We will have our Chapter 8 test on Friday, March 20. We will review on Wednesday and Thursday.

Social Studies: We will learn about producers/consumers and how to use a map

The following is our homework schedule:

Monday: 3 times each, Math sheet 8.8
Tuesday: ABC order, Math sheet 8.9
Wednesday: Sentences, study for Math test
Thursday: Study for Math and Spelling tests

Keep working on your book report, and don't forget to read every night!

Wear your craziest socks on Friday for Down Syndrome Awareness Day.

Have a great week!

Friday, March 6, 2015

March 9

This week we will be working on the following skills:

Language Arts: spelling words with -ar, identifying text features, using commas in letters and dates.
Math: Measuring objects
Social Studies: Wants and needs

Homework schedule:
Monday: 3 times each, Math page 8.3
Tuesday: ABC order, Math page 8.4
Wednesday: Sentences, Math page 8.5
Thursday: Study for spelling test, Math page 8.6

We will celebrate Dr. Seuss's "Oh the Places You'll Go" on Monday since we weren't here on Thursday. Your child may dress up as a person from the profession that he/she would like to be a part of one day.

Have a great weekend!

Sunday, March 1, 2015

March 2

Good evening! We will be celebrating Read Across America and Dr. Seuss's birthday this week. Please refer to the note that was sent home on Friday for the daily theme.

We will work on the following concepts this week:

Language Arts: spelling word that end with -y and make the e sound, understanding characters, and subject-verb agreement

Math-We will review for our test on chapter seven Monday, test on Tuesday. We will begin chapter 8 (measurement) on Wednesday.

Science-We will learn about magnets.

Important dates:
Book reports and reading logs are due tomorrow, March 3!
Tuesday is Spirit Day. Wear tie-dye or school colors

Homework schedule:

Monday-3 times each, study for math test
Tuesday-ABC order
Wednesday-Sentences (at least 8 words in each sentence), Math sheet 8.1
Thursday-Study for spelling test, Math sheet 8.2

Have a great week!

Friday, February 20, 2015

February 20

Good afternoon! Please return all library books on Tuesday. We will not be able to use the library during the month of April due to PARCC testing, so all books must be returned. We will return to the library in April, after Spring Break.

We will work on the following skills next week:

Language Arts-sequence of events, spelling words with long i, antonyms

Math-telling time


The following is our homework schedule:

Monday-3 times each, math sheet 7.8
Tuesday-ABC order, math sheet 7.9
Wednesday-Sentences (each sentence should have at least 8 words), math sheet 7.10
Thursday-Study for spelling test, math sheet 7.11

Continue to read each night for 15 minutes and work on your book report.

Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Homework for the Week of Feb. 10

Tuesday-Read 15 minutes, work on book report.
Wednesday- Math page 7.1, read, book report
Thursday-Math page 7.2, read, book report
Friday-Sunday-read, book report

There is no spelling homework this week since we are taking our unit three benchmark and word wall tests this week.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Good afternoon! We will be completing our Unit 3 Language Arts assessments next week. We will take a reading test on Monday and Tuesday, and our Word Wall spelling test will be on Wednesday, February 11. If we have a snow day on Monday (I'm sick of all this snow!), our Word Wall test will be on Thursday.

In Math, we will have our Chapter 6 test. Please have your child practice adding with regrouping (carrying the 1) and borrowing when subtracting, especially if there is double borrowing involved.
If we are not in school Monday, our test will be Tuesday.

We will learn about motion in Science.

Please remember to sign up for Optical Academy. It is a reduced-cost traveling eye doctor who will be here on February 24.

I will post homework next week so that it is up-to-date with any snow days we may have.

Have a great weekend!

Friday, January 30, 2015

January 30

Good morning! We reviewed main idea and learned a lot about groundhogs this week in Language Arts. We continue to learn how to subtract with regrouping, and we will take our Social Studies test today.

We will work on the following next week:

Language Arts: spelling compound words, abbreviations, root words, and cause/effect. We will also begin our persuasive letter writing unit in Writing Workshop.

Math: We will learn how to double borrow when subtracting, and we will review for our unit test. The test will be on Friday, February 6.

We will begin our next unit Science, and we will focus on the three states of matter next week (liquid, solid, gas).

Important dates:
Our book reports are due February 3. Please have your child dress up as their famous person on this day if he/she is planning to do so.

Read at Home Logs are due February 2. Your child should be reading for at least 15 minutes each night as part of his/her homework to help maintain and reinforce skills.

Spirit Day is Tuesday, February 2. The theme is "New Jersey". Wear something that represents our great state (college shirt, sports team, business, etc.) or wear school colors.

Our homework for the week is as follows:
Monday: 3 times each, math sheet 6.9
Tuesday: ABC order, math sheet 6.10
Wednesday: spelling sentences, study for math test
Thursday: study for spelling test and math test

Remember to work on your book report and fill in your reading log each night.

Have a great week!

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

January 28

Good afternoon. Due to the snow days, we will not have a spelling test or reading test this week. We will still have our Social Studies test on Friday, January 30.

Our Unit 3 Word Wall test will be moved to February 11.

In Math we will continue to learn how to add and subtract three-digit numbers.

Our homework is as follows:
Wednesday: Math page 6.6
Thursday: Math page 6.7

Remember to read each night for at least 15 minutes and keep working on your book report that is due February 3.

Friday, January 16, 2015

January 16

We will learn the following skills/content next week:

Language Arts: Identifying author's purpose, using proper nouns, words with the long o sound spelled o, oa, and ow, and using words with the suffix -ly. We will finish our poetry unit and share our poems with the class.

Math: Adding and subtracting three digit numbers.

Social Studies: We will continue to learn about early America. We will review for our test on Friday, and then the test will be on Monday, January 26.

The following is our homework for the week:
Monday: 3 times each, math sheet 6.3
Tuesday: ABC order, math sheet 6.4
Wednesday: Sentences, math sheet 6.5. Remember to use at least 7 words in each sentence!
Thursday: Study for spelling test, math sheet 6.6

There is a flyer about Optical Academy that will be held here on February 24 in your child's folder. This is a great opportunity.

Have a great week!

Friday, January 9, 2015

January 9

Good morning! We had a great first week back. The kids worked really hard, and we even got to make our own butter yesterday during Social Studies!

We will work on the following next week:
Language Arts: words with long e, using quotation marks, and how to use a dictionary.

Math-We will be reviewing for our test on Monday. The test will be on Tuesday. Please have your child practice subtraction with regrouping (borrowing) at home.

Social Studies: We will continue to learn about early America. There is a study guide in your child's Friday Folder today. Please have him/her begin to look it over. The test will be on Monday, January 26.

Scholastic orders are due January 13. Please send in a check if you would like to order.

The following is our homework schedule for next week:

Monday: 3 times each, study for math test
Tuesday: ABC order, no math homework
Wednesday: Spelling sentences. Please make sure your child's sentences have at least 7 words and make sense. Math worksheet 6.1 should also be completed.
Thursday: Study for spelling test, math worksheet 6.2

Please remember to read each night and record it on your Read at Home Log.
Book reports are due February 3. Please have your child choose a biography of a famous person. This is a nonfiction book.

Have a great week!