Friday, May 29, 2015

Week of June 1

Good morning! We will be working on the following skills and concepts next week:

Language Arts: possessive pronouns (mine, his, hers, etc.), character traits, comparing two versions of the same story, and writing an informational text.

Math: solving problems with equal shares and telling time

Science: Students will be researching a specific shell for their MARE project.

Homework is as follows:
Monday: 3 times each, math worksheet
Tuesday: ABC order, math worksheet
Wednesday: Sentences, math worksheet
Thursday: Study for test, math worksheet

Book reports and reading logs are due on Monday, June 1!

Friday, May 15, 2015

May 15

Good morning! We will work on the following skills and concepts next week:

Language Arts: We will work on identifying and using adverbs, words with oo as in "book", differentiating between fact and opinion, writing informational texts.

Math: We will work on estimating sums and differences and ordering numbers.

Social Studies: We will review for our test which is on May 21. Continue to study the study guide that was sent home.

***Important reminders for next week***
If your child has not done so already, he/she needs to bring an adult sized shoe box for Monday, May 18. We will be completing our MARE project in class. If you have an extra at home you would like to donate, that would be greatly appreciated.

Homework for the week of May 18

Monday-Three times each, math worksheet
Tuesday-ABC order, math worksheet
Wednesday-Sentences, math worksheet. Your child's sentences should have at least 10 words!
Thursday-Study for spelling test, math worksheet.

Have a great week!

Monday, May 11, 2015

MARE Project

Please send in a shoe box (preferably a woman's size, but a man's will do) for our shell project. If you have an extra box at home and would like to donate it, it would be greatly appreciated for those students who may not have one at home to bring in.

Thank you!

May 11

Good morning!

In Language Arts we will have our Unit 5 Benchmark tests today and tomorrow. Our Word Wall Test will be on Wednesday. We will also learn how to spell words with oo, ue, and ew, how to form contractions, and we will continue to work on our informational books.

Our Math test will be on Wednesday, May 13.

We will continue to learn about our government in Social Studies. Our test will be May 21. Keep looking over the study guide that was sent home last week!

This week's homework schedule is as follows:
Monday-3 times each, study for Math test
Tuesday-ABC order, study for Math test
Wednesday-Sentences, math worksheet
Thursday-Study for spelling, math worksheet

Have a great week!

Friday, May 1, 2015

May 1

Good afternoon! We will be working on the following skills next week:

Language Arts: spelling words with aw, al, and o, using context clues, using irregular verbs, and research writing

Math: Identifying shapes and we will begin fractions.

Social Studies: We will begin learning about our government. Our test will be May 21. The study guide is going home today in your child's folder.

Have a great week!