Friday, April 29, 2016

Week of May 2

If you have not done so already, please send in an adult size shoe box with your child.
Book reports are due Monday!

We will work on the following skills next week:

Language Arts-understanding the plot of a story, words with ue, oo, and ew, informational writing


Science-We will start our MARE unit on the beach.

Have a great week!

Friday, April 22, 2016

Week of April 25

*We will take our Unit 5 Benchmark and Word Wall Word spelling tests next week. The Word Wall test will be on Wednesday.

*Our Social Studies test will be on Thursday, April 28. Continue to study the guide that was sent home.

*We have started Chapter 11 in Math (shapes and fractions).

*Book reports are due May 2!

Students need an adult sized shoe box for our MARE project. Please send it in as soon as possible. Please be sure your child's name is written on it.

Homework schedule:
Monday-3 times each, Math sheet 11.2, study for Word Wall test
Tuesday-ABC order, Math sheet 11.3, study for Word Wall test
Wednesday-Spelling sentences, Math sheet 11.4
Thursday-Study for spelling test, Math sheet 11.5

Have a great week!

Monday, April 18, 2016

Week of April 18

We will work on the following skills this week:

Language Arts-writing an informational text, cause/effect, spelling words with prefixes, and irregular verbs (sit/sat, run/ran, etc.)

Math-We will have our Math test on Thursday, April 21. We will review tomorrow and Wednesday.

Social Studies-We will learn how to use a grid map, about American heroes, and finding main idea.

Book reports are due May 2! 

Have a great week!

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Gym on Monday, April 11!

2S will have Gym instead of Family Life tomorrow. Wear sneakers!

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Week of April 4

Welcome back! We will work on the following skills this week:

Language Arts:character traits, homophones, idioms, writing informational texts

Math: measuring in centimeters and meters

*We will have our chapter test on Friday, April 8.

Science: life cycles

April book reports are due May 2!

Homework Schedule:
Mon.-3 times each, Math sheet 9.6
Tues.- ABC order, Math sheet 9.7
Wed.-Sentences, study for Math test
Thurs.-Study for Math and Spelling tests