Monday, December 4, 2017

Assessment Week (Updated!)

Students will have a unit assessment the week of December 11. Students will be tested individually for the reading  portion. Students will need to know how to read and spell the red words they have brought home. The red word spelling test will be given on Wednesday, December 13. The following red words will be assessed for spelling:

1st Grade: after, read, was, our, some, why, animal, make, she, now, one, eat, and take

2nd Grade: was, really, right, they, because, pretty, pictures, before, eye, car, air, told, few, high, people, would, why, might, kept, and dark

Upper levels: shall, knock, altogether, thought, their, world, even, father, already, page, buy, sister, against, show, don't, bye, by, love, walk, bought, answer, enough, and were

Upper level RTI will learn words with the ph spelling (phone,elephant, graph, etc.). There will not be any new red words this week due to testing!

Have a great week!