Good morning! We will working on the following skills next week:
Language Arts: Spelling words base words with endings -s and -es, writing compound sentences, using prefixes pre- and mis-, and drawing conclusions. We will continue our poetry unit in writing. We will be starting Unit 3 on Monday. Please look for the list of word wall words that your child will need to know how to spell at the end of the unit and continue to practice each week as the flash cards come home.
Math-We will continue to learn how to subtract and how to regroup.
Science-We will learn about the planets.
Important dates:
Winter concert is Wednesday, December 17. Please have your child arrive at 5:30.
Our homework schedule is as follows:
Monday-3 times each, math worksheet 5.4
Tuesday-ABC order, math worksheet 5.5
Wednesday-Sentences, no math
Thursday-Study for spelling test, math worksheet 5.6
Please remember to fill out your child's reading log each night and to continue working on the monthly book report.
Have a great week!
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