Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Week of November 30

We will work on the following skills next week:
Language Arts-We will work on spelling and using contractions, base words with endings -er and -est, verb tense, and being clear when writing directions.

Math-We will review for our Chapter 4 Test on Monday and Tuesday. The test will be on Wednesday, December 2. We will start Chapter 5 (subtraction) on Thursday.

Science-We will learn about the stars.

Our homework schedule is as follows:
Monday-3 times each, study for math test
Tuesday-ABC order, study for math test
Wednesday-Sentences. Be sure that each sentence has at least 6 words and the spelling word is underlined.
Thursday-Study for spelling test, Math sheet 5.1

******Important dates for next week******

Book reports are due on Tuesday, December 1.
We go to Holiday Shoppe on Tuesday, December 1 from 12:00-12:30.
The Holiday Concert is next Wednesday, December 2. Students should arrive and go to their homeroom beginning at 5:30. The show starts at 6.

Have a great Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 20, 2015

Week of November 23

Our  class trip is on Monday. If you are going on the trip with your child, please be at the school by 9:00.

Remember that students need a lunch in a bag that can be thrown away. Please do not send thermoses or any water reusable water bottles. Everything needs to be thrown away.

Any gift shop money MUST be in an envelope labeled with your child's name.

We will not have spelling homework due to the short week.

We will have a math homework sheet on Tuesday.

Have a great week!

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Week of November 9

We will work on the following skills next week:

Language Arts-main idea, compound words, spelling words with th, sh, wh, ph, ch, and tch

Math-2 digit addition

Science-We will begin our unit on space. We will start with learning about the moon.

If you'd like to follow the bus to the planetarium on November 23, please let me know. The cost is $14, and you can pay the planetarium when we get there.

Have a great week!